Access Your Files- Cosmolex Portal

Accessing Your Client Records

The Bridge Law Firm val­ues your pri­va­cy and secu­ri­ty over all. We use the gold stan­dard of law prac­tice record keep­ing soft­ware, called Cosmolex.

When you become a client at The Bridge Law Firm, you are giv­en a user­name and login.

As part of our com­mit­ment to trans­paren­cy and effi­cien­cy, you can log into Cos­molex any­time using these cre­den­tials and access all your records, includ­ing invoic­es, and can even pay your out­stand­ing bills.

Sim­ply click the graph­ic above to go to the por­tal. If you have trou­ble access­ing the por­tal, just use the con­tact page or reach out to us so we may address it.


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